How’s Your Heart?
What is Worship?
Worship is the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity – a God. It is not only music, but music is a form of worship. According to the C.S. Lewis Institute, “Worship is our reasonable service, of gratitude for all God has done for us.” (2020, para. 3). Worship is how we tell God that we love him. Praise, singing, serving, and prayer are examples of forms of worship.
How Does Worship Affect the Brain?
The Business and Financial Times states, “Liedke’s (2018) thesis found that when we worship God, there is an increase in BPNF, a neurotransmitter that helps us grow healthy brain cells.” Furthermore, “Research has shown that as you worship, you increase in wisdom and there’s an increase in your capacity to understand the goodness of God.” (2024, para. 7). Worship affects the amygdala by decreasing flight or fight response, heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels. Additionally, it increases empathy and connectedness with others.
What is Worship in the Bible?
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” (John 4:23). “Worship is when we give our deepest affections and highest praise to something. True worship of God is when we love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. It’s when we [praise] God above everything else and put Him first in our hearts.” (Love Worth Finding Ministries, 2024). Expressing the highest praise to God involves the emotions he gave us and quoting the truth of his word.
Why is Worship Important to the Echoing Hills’ Mission?
At Echoing Hills, we are committed to revolutionizing lives where people live, learn, connect, play, and worship. We worship the God of the Bible, the one true God. Our mission is to share the love of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was crucified, died, and rose again to save us from our sins so that we may have eternal life in the presence of God. Echoing Hills provides recreational, residential, vocational, travel, and educational services to help individuals experience the love of Jesus Christ.