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It’s a New Year!

New Year’s resolution!

What have you promised you’ll do this year with such gusto that there will be no compromise or steering away from? Setting goals is a great way to get things done, but if you set unattainable goals, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Diet and exercise improvements are both great new resolutions for the New Year, but if you have never been a runner and you resolve to start running five miles a day, then most likely you will not succeed. Changing your diet gradually instead of swearing to never eat sugar again is a better way to make good food choices and to keep yourself on track.

At Echoing Hills, we resolve always to meet and exceed the standards and expectations of those we serve and the expectations of their loved ones, families and advocates. The individuals living with us also want new, exciting and good things for 2018.

There are so many things that can be done to change the life of another person. Donations make a huge difference in how we can better serve those living with us. Sometimes there’s no extra income left to donate, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a difference in someone’s life. Volunteering is an amazing way to share your talents and passions with others. Read a book to someone who can’t read for themselves or can’t see well enough to read. Kindness costs nothing and yet it is priceless. Others find you interesting, yes YOU…you are interesting. Where do you work, do you have children or grandchildren, are you married, do you have a pet…all of these are questions that someone might ask you. Sometimes life can be a little small and a visit and conversation can widen someone’s world.

I say we all make a resolution to “pay it forward” this year. The Bible says if you have two and your brother has none, give your brother one. So give your extra to someone in need. Not just your money, but an extra coat, shoes, pair of gloves, food or vehicle. God loves a cheerful giver.

We spend a lot of time and effort accumulating “stuff” and building our stashes of this and that, and yet, what good does it do? The good comes from making a difference in someone else’s life by giving, loving, understanding and going the extra mile to make sure the impact of goodness is felt.

This New Year is the perfect time to make resolutions that are not only attainable, but that make a real, life-changing impact. Not sure how to get started? Look around, the need is everywhere! Hold the door open for someone. Say please and thank you. Treat the people who provide a service to you with kindness and respect. Smile and greet others with a genuine hello, how are you. Chat with someone who’s alone, you could be the only conversation they have all day. I know time is precious for all of us…but give of your time, it’s a priceless gift.

So there you have it, it took me no time at all to come up with several ways to make a difference this year. Let’s get 2018 started off right…let’s make it a year of kindness and giving. Change your “heart condition” to one of love and gratitude with an extra dash of compassion and caring. With every beat…make a change!

Happy New Year!

Love. Learn. Worship.

© 2025 by Echoing Hills