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Serving, Pleasing, and Sheep

Serving, Pleasing, and Sheep

A servant voluntarily performs duties for another person, such as cleaning or cooking. Compassion International explains, “Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus Christ set the ultimate example of serving others. We look to his life to learn from him and follow his example. Every Christian has a calling to serve. This calling remains constant throughout our lives, even if the ways we serve change.” (2024, para. 1). We are most like Jesus when serving others. Philippians 4:2 says, Let each of you look not only to his interests but also to the interests of others.”

Servants act with humility, considering the interests of others above their own. Our mission at Echoing Hills is to serve individuals by revolutionizing where they live, learn, connect, play, and worship. Our greatest desire is to share our faith by spreading the love of Jesus Christ. Camp Echoing Hills started when founder Cordell Brown heard directly from God. A friend inspired him to start a camp for those with disabilities. To this day, Echoing Hills believes faith changes lives, honoring the vision that started it all through devotion to the fruit of the Spirit.

People pleasing is rooted in a fear of rejection and insecurity. These traits can show as little self-awareness, rarely saying no, undermining their own needs, or saying sorry when no apology is needed. Psychology Today states, “Seeking approval and validation from others is a hallmark trait of a people-pleaser. This person wants assurance that he matters to the people around him. He doesn’t seek validation from within but instead looks everywhere else.” As a Christian, the idea of people pleasing could be considered a form of idolatry. An idol is anything placed above or ahead of God.

God never changes. However, people are constantly changing their opinions. Hebrews 1:10-12 says, “In the beginning, Lord, you laid the earth foundations, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment, they will change. But you remain the same, and your years will never end.”
The motivation behind the action is the difference between the desire to serve and the desire to please. The desire to please is rooted in wanting to be needed by the other person. Serving others comes from a heart of wanting to lend a helping hand – without seeking anything in return.

There is hope! Our hope is found in Jesus, our loving shepherd, as John 10:14-15 states, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. Jesus is our guide. We can rest knowing our identity is in the one who never changes. At Echoing Hills, the love of Jesus is intertwined with all aspects of the ministry, knowing we serve a God who never changes.


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