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Emmy Shares – My Return to Camp Echoing Hills

My Return to Camp Echoing Hills
Why I Wanted To Come Back


After my first summer at Camp Echoing Hills, I returned to work as a Direct Support Professional (DSP) at Echoing Hills Community Living of Northeast Ohio. I was home near my family and friends. I was serving individuals that felt like family to me. Camp changed me that summer; however, I hadn’t thought about doing it again. That was until I got a call asking me to consider returning the following summer.


Not sure what I should do, I turned to God. I prayed, asking for the direction I was to take to become clear to me. It didn’t take long before I had my answer – I was to return! My family was excited for me, as they knew how much camp meant to me.


Returning this past camping season was a joy. The second I stepped back on campus, I knew this was where I was to be. There were returning campers that remembered me, excited to see me. Those moments showed me just how much of a difference I was making. There was also new leadership at the camp. It was exciting to see Jimmy’s new ideas and to be able to play a part in them.


The best part is I will serve as a counselor again next summer! In fact, four other counselors I worked with this past summer have already signed up to do it again! I’m telling you, even though you come to change the lives of others, Camp Echoing Hills forever changes YOUR life!


Until next summer, I will be working as the Recreation Activities Assistant here at camp. I really appreciate the behind-the-scenes view this position has given me. I understand the business side of camp more, and it has opened my eyes to why some things happen the way they do. Ultimately, it has helped me prepare to be an even better counselor next year!


One of my favorite things we have been doing is our respite weekends. It is incredible what we can do within a 48-hour period. It’s like a mini-camp experience. We have a smaller group size and are able to spend some real quality time together! It’s a chance for the individuals we serve to come and have fun while their families are able to relax and recharge.


I look forward to continuing the respite weekends as we prepare for the 2023 Camp Echoing Hills summer season. Both feel like mission work to me – I’ll explore that more next time. In the meantime, I hope you will begin considering joining me next year!

Love. Learn. Worship.

© 2025 by Echoing Hills