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Sacred and Holy – Our Relationship with Jesus!

Palm Sunday has passed, Good Friday is rapidly approaching and the Easter Holiday is just around the corner. For those of faith, this is a time of reflection and prayer. Recognizing the wonderful gift of life freely given by the Savior to all of us who wish to accept it. Palm Sunday marks Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the crowd waving palm leaves as they greet Jesus. Even though Jesus knew this marked the beginning of an incredibly difficult journey for him, he did not complain or talk to everyone about how hard it was going to be, instead he knew this was the will of his Father and accepted it so out of complete unconditional love for us.

Good Friday…a solemn day, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Seems very short when you write it, but it was a long day of beatings, mocking, carrying his own cross and then hanging, nailed and bloody for hours before dying. But this day, even though it’s heavy with anguish and suffering, it’s the most important and loving day for Christians. Even though Christ died in the flesh on that day, his gift of everlasting, spiritual life became reality when after three days he walked upon this earth again, whole and healthy, a new spiritual man. And in that loving act, he made that same, everlasting, spiritual life available to each and every one of us.

So if you celebrate Passover, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Palm Sunday or Easter…it’s truly most important to celebrate the birth of our Savior every day, to make the choice to have a relationship with the creator, knowing that in his death you are set free and will live forever with him spiritually.

At all Echoing Hills locations, each person celebrates in their own special way. Our goal is for everyone who lives, works, plays and worships with us, to have their own unique and individual life, one that serves them well and makes them feel whole.

God Bless!

Love. Learn. Worship.

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