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Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Dream League Creates Smiles and Fun

It’s a warm summer night. The sounds of bats cracking, fans cheering, and high-fives can be heard everywhere you go. It is another night of Dream League Baseball! 

In its eighteenth season, Dream League Baseball welcomes individuals with disabilities of all ages to be a part of the game. A charitable organization through Forty Corners Church, the league has grown to ten teams with over 125 individuals registered to play every Wednesday.

Volunteers from the church and within the greater community come together each week to assist individuals with hitting, catching, throwing, and circling the bases. Volunteers range in age from young children to older adults. In fact, some kids grew up volunteering in the league and are now old enough to head up their own teams!

Photo of the American flag at the Dream Team ballgame. Corey at the ballgame acting as an umpire. Cory smiling broadly. He is wearing a ball cap, bright orange shirt.






Every game, players and volunteers gather around the flagpole for announcements, a prayer, and the singing of the National Anthem. Then it’s off to the diamonds. And what about those nights when the weather doesn’t cooperate? Well, everyone

still gathers for a dance party inside!

With over twenty individuals from Echoing Hills of Northeast Ohio registered to play, there is anticipation for Wednesday each week. Team members and those we serve are excited to head out for a couple of hours of fun and excitement. And, of course, the concession treats at the end of each game!

“I feel like a regular person because when I was young I had to just watch. Now, I get to play,” says Jamie. “My favorite part is when I am able to sing the National Anthem.”

Denise enjoys playing too! “I like when I win. My favorite part is the snack at the end!”

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