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Summer Job or Mission Trip? Why not Both!

Summer Job or Mission Trip?
Christian Camps Let You Do Both!

In a few short months, summer will be here. That means nice weather, longer days, and school breaks!

For college students, now is the time to start thinking about what to do during your reprieve from studying. Some students enjoy working, while others long for a mission trip. When you work at a Christian camp, you can do both!

Here are seven benefits you receive as a camp staffer.

1. Serve Others
Working at a camp allows you to serve different populations. There are camps for children, people with health conditions, and individuals with disabilities. It is a great way to be the hands and feet of Jesus while serving others who may be different from yourself.

2. Share the Gospel
Jesus instructs us to share God’s word with others (Mark 16:15 / Matthew 28:19-20). When working at a Christian camp, you can do just that! Often, there is a time for devotion, worship, and prayer. While helping others, your relationship with God will deepen, too!

3. Learn Skills
One summer at camp can provide you with skills that last a lifetime. Speaking with different audiences increases communication skills, figuring out how to maneuver a challenge builds problem-solving skills, and talking with others improves your public speaking skills.

4. Make New Friends
While working alongside others, you can’t help but develop relationships. Serving together for a shared purpose creates a bond. Many times, lifelong friendships emerge after being together for a summer. There have even been instances of individuals meeting their future spouses at camp!

5. Exercise
Camp provides many opportunities for exercise. Often, you are up early and going to bed late, which gives you plenty of time to get your steps in. As many health benefits come with exercise, you’ll be doing good for your body while doing good for others. It’s a win-win!

6. Earn Money
Going to college is expensive. A job at a Christian camp is a mission trip that pays! Put the money you make aside for housing, food, books, whatever you need. Or, use that money to spend during outings on your days off at camp.

7. Have Fun
If you want to have fun, camp is the place to be! There are many activities to choose from – archery, swimming, fishing, side-by-side rides, the list goes on. What better way to experience that fun than with those you serve and the friends you make while serving them?



Located in Warsaw, Ohio, Camp Echoing Hills creates opportunities for individuals with disabilities to know and experience Jesus Christ. With programs tailored to meet the needs of campers of all ages, interests, and abilities, camp is an experience like none other!
Camp Echoing Hills provides a unique service opportunity, allowing you to do mission work without leaving the country. You will have an impact on the lives of others but leave forever changed yourself!

Love. Learn. Worship.

© 2024 by Echoing Hills