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The latest news from Echoing Hills

Camp Echoing Hills Goes to Disney

Camp Echoing Hills Goes to Disney

As I have shared before, I started working at camp in 2021. When I say I love my job, I mean I LOVE my job. I didn’t think it could get any better. But in 2023, it did. I started traveling with camp and those we serve!

Throughout the year, we went to Disney four times! Each time was just as great as the last.

Throughout my childhood, I went to Disney on a few different occasions. A lot has changed since those early days – the rides, the food, and my responsibility in planning and executing the trip. As a kid, I showed up and had fun. Now, I plan and organize flights, lodging, travel accommodations, and eating arrangements. Once on a trip, I become a caregiver and the keeper of all passes, tickets, and documents.

And you know what? It’s all worth it! Seeing someone else enjoying Disney is incredible.

Picking a favorite part is hard. There’s watching someone’s eyes light up when they meet Mickey and Minnie. Or how excited everyone gets at the Frozen show, singing along with Elsa and Anna. Then, some ride a rollercoaster for the first time, thinking it will never happen to them. Simply put, the whole experience brings happiness to campers and staff alike!

Being able to plan these trips and enjoy them while serving, is truly an honor. Taking a vacation is something my family does all the time. But for many this isn’t an everyday occurrence. A camp trip could be their first time flying, being to a place like Disney, or even taking a vacation altogether.

This year, many new places await. Cedar Point, Nashville, and my personal favorite – a Bahamas cruise!  In fact, this is Emmy saying, I had better start packing!


Are you interested in traveling with Camp Echoing Hills this year? Check out our website to learn about upcoming opportunities!

Love. Learn. Worship.

© 2024 by Echoing Hills